On May 7, 2022, for the seventh consecutive year, the free walking tours in Ruse, known as the Ruse Summer Free Tour, will start. They are intended at both Bulgarian and and residents of Ruse, and their route covers the most iconic buildings and places in the central parts of the city.
In 2022 the tours will be held every Saturday from May to September inclusive. They will start at 6PM from the Statue of Liberty, where professionals and enthusiasts from the tourism industry in the region will share their knowledge about the history and urban legends of the places that visitors will go by during the tours.
Ruse Summer Free Tour is a volunteer initiative by the KulturTour Ruse non-governmental organization. Kulturtur Ruse was established by a group of friends from Ruse, who in their own words „commit their time and dedicate their efforts to the initiative because they love the city„. They believe that the initiative represents the free spirit Ruse advertises to its guests. „It’s about the realization of an event that brings something other than an immediate profit or material gain. The idea is to help Ruse develop its potential as a tourist destination thus indirectly improving the economic well-being of its residents”, said on behalf of the team the organizer of the Tour Desislava Mihaylova.
Ruse Summer Free Tour is inspired by similar initiatives in Sofia, Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo, where the free city tours are extremely popular and are joined by thousands of tourists a year.
On 3 December 2018 Ruse Summer Free Tour received the 2018 Award for The Most Original Tourist Event of the Municipality of Ruse.
For more information:
- Ruse Summer Free Tour Website
- Ruse Summer Free Tour on Facebook
- Ruse Summer Free Tour on Trip Advisor
- Ruse Summer Free Tour on Instagram
- Ruse Summer Free Tour on Twitter